Emergency Services


RBIS (RedningsBeredskabernes InformationsSystem) has a complete overview of the emergency services across Denmark including contact information. har en oversigt over beredskaberne i Danmark og deres kontaktoplysninger – you can find them here.

The site also includes a map view of all the emergency services, which you’ll find here or by clicking the map below.

The Faroe Islands

Jóhann Clementsen
Fuglafjarðar Sløkkilid
Mirmandsvegur 49
FO-520 Fuglafjordur, Færøerne
Telefon: 002 98 23 91 12
E-mail: jbakarin@gmail.com


David Løvstrøm
Kommune Qeqertalik Brandvæsen
Postbox 383 – Fr. Lyngesvej 11
3950 Aasiat, Grønland
Telefon: 299 586828
E-mail: dlov@qeqertalik.gl

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