Here you will find the phone numbers and email addresses of the employees at the Danish Emergency Management Organization. For general inquiries, please write to our main email address or use the contact form on the main contact page here.
If you’ve had expenditures in connection with work for the Danish Emergency Management Organization, you need to fill out a travel and expenditure form to get a refund. Download the form here.
The Danish Emergency Managemant Organization
Head of Secretariat
Bjarne Nigaard
+45 31 37 88 05
Public Affairs Manager
Jakob Tilma
26 22 52 64
Event Manager
Katrine Stensholm
60 24 72 67
Student Staff
Julia Guillén
61 10 60 96
Student Staff
Puk Borup Helboe
25 73 09 04
Youth in the Fire and Rescue Service
Project Manager, Youth in the Fire and Rescue Service
Maria Wiktoria Karolini
51 52 16 62
Project Employee, Youth in the Fire and Rescue Service
Rikke Bech Espersen
60 13 51 36
Youth in the Fire and Rescue Service
Trine Dahl Jensen
Maternity leave
Project Consultant, Youth in the Fire and Rescue Service
Jesper Stenbakken
53 38 45 37
Project Employee, Youth in the Fire and Rescue Service
Florian Habig
20 35 47 34
External Educational Consultant and og Teacher, Youth in the Fire and Rescue Service
Ronny Højgaard Larsen