
The Danish Emergency Management Organization is an association of all the municipal emergency services in the country and works to develop and improve the emergency services across Denmark. As a unified voice for the municipal emergency services, it’s our job to ensure awareness, information and comprehension of the fire and rescue tasks and challenges facing us – now and in the future.

When you dial 112 for fire and rescue, it is almost always firefighters from one of the 29 municipal emergency service units across the country who respond and come to the rescue. We do that more than 40.000 times every year – with an average response time of 8 minutes and 7 seconds. That’s the time that passes from the moment the municipal emergency service receive the emergency call to the second they arrive at the scene. On a national level, the municipal emergency services on average handle 98% of all incidents without assistance and in 2018, the Danish Emergency Management Agency was only called tothe rescue to 1,4% of all emergency calls across the country.

The Danish Emergency Management Organization, which was previously named the ‘Association of Municipal Emergency Chiefs’, has existed since 1994 and is a merger of the ‘Danish Fire Safety Inspectors Association of 1882’ and the ‘Association of Civil Defense Managers in Denmark of 1957’. The merger was a results of the Emergency Response Law of 1993, where the distinction between wartime and peace time emergency services was ended, which paved the way for the collected emergency services that we know today.

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